Past Readings

still small voice by Jennifer O’Grady
Featuring: Sharon Grace Powers, Katie Gudzik, Katrina Lantz

The Weekend People by Tom Rowan
Featuring: Lora Lee Ecobelli, Jett Hernandez,  Katie Lerner-Lam,  Eamon Martin, Rick Meyer, Dylan Parkin, Sharon Grace Powers, Sarah Jayne Rothkopf, Jordan Zakka

On This Chosen Ground by Aaron Moore
Featuring: Jaylen Adison, Jett Hernendez, Shaq Sinclair

Cage by Barbara Blatner
Featuring: Christine Tomer, Maria Elena Maurin

Dante in the Big-Box Store by Richard Gotti
Featuring: David Bunce, Cindy Campbell, Shaq Sinclair, Taylor Steward

Dead End Kids by Brian Leahy Doyle
Featuring: Austin Lightning Carrothers, Sam Eisenbaum, Michael Grieve, Alinca Hamilton, Ilona Molnar, Sigrid Wise

The Sod by Charles Simon
Featuring: Wil Anderson, Elisabeth Henry, Matthew Kuriloff, Katrina Lantz, Sharon Grace Powers, Taylor Steward

Girl on a Hill by Cris Eli Black
Featuring: Jaylen Adison, Leif Grund, Alinca Hamilton, Samantha Mileski

The Narrow Bridge by Charles Simon
Featuring: Maria Elana Maurin, Lauren Amira, Vince Gatton, Kathryn Boswell, Matthew Amira

2023 Readings
2022 Readings
2021 Readings